Saturday, November 26, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Essential Rock From Japan
Please notice the "tabs" at the bottom. It's a workbook with 7 worksheets. I encourage all fans of rock music to check it out! For reasons justifiable and nefarious, you're just not getting the opportunities to hear this stuff, so I've made it my mission to get as much out to as many of you as I can! PLEASE take a leisurely gander at this spreadsheet! Look at all the tabs! Treat yourself to some great Rock From Japan!
Monday, July 11, 2011
DoonTube at the AM2 Convention
Here are some pics we took of the convention.
The AM2con twitter page reports there were 8,000-plus Attendees. The exhibit hall had a number of vendors selling anime products, Lolita, punk and Gothic fashion items, accessories, wigs and toys. Cure-magazine had a booth set up selling SADIE and compilation disks and merchandise. There were midway-style games and a number of booths offering opportunities for attendees to support the victims of the March 2011 earthquake.

Of course my main focus was on the rock. My main distraction was on the cosplay, but in an effort to maintain the few remaining shreds of dignity I still possess, we won't dwell on all those cute girls in their Lolita outfits! Joking aside, there were some really impressive costumes. My favorite being a very well done Jasmine You.
The first big event was two fashion shows, one featuring Gashicon's Hangry and Angry line, and the clothing by Sixh featuring designers Ibi and Mint.
This was followed immediately by the rock band Heidi. I took a number of pictures before the security guys made it clear that wasn't permitted. As soon as the band started, fans rushed the stage. Security reacted instantly and sent everyone to their seats. We had to remain seated for the duration of the show. Heidi put on a magnificent performance and set the stage for the following three days.
Every subsequent show the audience was remnided this was a "convention" and not a concert venue, so we had to remain at our seats. (sure.) There was also no photography permitted.
Friday evening we were treated to hard edge, head banging metal. AM2 treated the attendies to the phenominal SADIE for 90 minutes of real rock excitement. The next morning I was extremely fortunate and surprised to meet them at the rear entrance of our hotel upon returning from "Little Saigon" in neighboring Santa Ana, California, where we went for breakfast.
I was a bit shy approaching them, not altogether sure it was actually them. They look a lot different in their "street" clothes! But my girlfriend Hong was certain it was them and greeted them with confidence and enthusiasm. I found the young men to be wonderfully charming, warm and polite. I thanked them for coming to play for us, and hoped they were going to have an opportunity to visit a little while. They expressed their delight at being here and promised most earnestly that they'd return. I told them I looked forward to seeing the doing a proper tour in the near future.
Mao, the vocalist, asked me if I "banged my head"! I informed them I was far too old to do that, but I did throw them some horns! Guitarist Tsurugi graciously said I wasn't too old. But my head banging days are far behind me! I left the encounter quite excited and honored to have had such a nice conversation with them. They're as wonderful off stage as they are on stage.
We started the second day by going for breakfast in the nearby Vietnamese community in Santa Ana, as I mentioned. There was the Heidi "panel" that morning, which I thought might be interesting, but my date found the panels to be tedious and boring, so we decided to spend some time picking up some tasty goodies in Little Saigon.
We joined queue for the Kanon X Kanon show and watched the cosplayers stroll by. We were able to get excellent seats when the doors opened. A stage hand brought out Ms. Wakeshima's beautiful red cello, and a few minutes later she entered the stage wearing a lovely Gothic Lolita outfit, for which she is well known. She sang a number of songs and charmed the audience. During each song she played a small passage on her cello. But they were all very short. I was really hoping for a nice cello solo, but it seems she is featuring her vocal skills primarily.
After about 30 minutes she left the stage for a brief intermission. While she was gone we were treated to a short film, hosted by two "anime" Kanon X Kanon characters. Here we learned that Mr. Kanon is a big advocate of the otaku dance style. The anime characters then introduced Mr. Alien to teach us an otaku dance! Many of the audience members seemed very adept and picked up the steps quickly.
After our film, Ms. Wakeshima returned wearing a new costume, on based on traditional Japanese dress. What she was wearing wasn't a kimono, but the entire outfit was clearly a modern interpretation of genuine Japanese attire. In a few minutes, An Cafe's bass player Kanon joined her on stage in a similarly styled costume, characterized by another author as "Tuxedo Kamen".
Mr. Kanon played electric guitar for the first song, and piano during another, while Ms. Kanon sang. But what became clear very quickly was that Mr. Kanon was there to dance! At the start of the third song, Mr. Kanon struck his light sticks on the floor to energize them, and started his Otaku dance. Clearly he had been paying close attention to Mr. Alien, because he didn't miss a step! At one point during the show, while dressed in his top hat, Mr. Kanon delighted the lady fans by throwing out roses!
Observation: You never ever see Mr. Alien and Mr. Kanon together at the same time. hmmm.
The L.A.Weekly had an article which describes how the Kanon X Kanon collaboration came to be:
"Honestly, the project started just because we had the same name," says Wakeshima.
Then they realized that they were both anime fans. Kanon of An Cafe has long had a reputation as a rock n' roll champion of otaku culture.
The two Kanons-- one female, one male-- billed their project as a "collaboration unit for anime song by two of the anime fans." Their single "Calendula Requiem" was used in the series Shiki. An Cafe Kanon composes and arranges the songs. Wakeshima writes lyrics and provides vocals."
After the concert we attended the JRock Revolution panel. The hosts gave us a short history of how the Jrock Revolution was founded by X Japan's Yoshiki as a rock festival featuring Japanese Rock acts, and how it evolved into a gathering place for Jrock enthusiasts. The principal topic of discussion was how to generate interest in the wider rock community for Japanese rock.
The evening ended with a very entertaining "masquerade", the costume contest. We were treated to amusing skits by the contestants, all in magnificent costumes. One particularly memorable skit satarized the American Corporate Media's dilution of the original themes and character of certain popular anime cartoons, to make them "suitable" for American child audiences. The Jasmine You contestant did not win a prize.
On the morning of the third day, we wandered in the exhibit area, where we caught the musical act, Stephanie Yanez & Polo, a pretty solid rock band. We then headed upstairs for the afternoon's highlight, the "exclusive" screening of Bunraktu.
AM2 promoters had the audience convinced by show time that we were going to be treated to a special live appearance by the venerable Japanese rock star Gackt. While they did their best to deny any "official" announcement, the appearance was confirmed in the AM2 forums and was promoted in such a way that hundreds of people believed he was going to be there. At the conclusion of the movie, the entire audience sat silently waiting in anticipation of Gackt's arrival, until a Jrock Revolution member casually turned and asked what we're all doing hanging around. I must say this was the low point in the convention. It was most disrespectful and disingenuous to treat the audience in this fashion. One fan became very loud and vocal, demanding to see Chase Wang and get a refund for the passport.
The movie was a sensation though! Every time Gackt got wolloped during a fight, all the girls were so distressed! It was full of humor and action. The scenery, story and acting were marvelous. Up till now this film has only been shown at film festivals and conventions. I hope the promoters can get a wide theatrical release for this show. I'm sure it will be a hit.
After the movie was over we were astonished to see the line for SCANDAL was already longer than any line we saw all weekend, three full hours before the show! We hurried up to join the queue and ate our Vietnamese snacks while we waited.
Scandal's show was the best attended of all the shows. These women put on a great performance. We sat very near the lead guitarist, who was absolutely amazing. I was surprised to learn they were from the same town as my first and true Jrock loves, Shonen Knife! Something about Osaka produces great rock bands!
We had a great time. The reason I became interested in AM2 was its focus on music. Anime's ok, but Bugs Bunny's still number one in my book. But the music. THAT was the reason I plunked down the bucks for two 3 day passports. Overall it was an excellent value. I hope soon though, that Japanese rock artists can start doing ROCK festivals and tours, and we can leave the anime conventions to the sincere otaku. I think these conventions may actually help us achieve that!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Fucking Beer Barrel Polka
From: William Ader
Date: December 3, 2010 8:25:41 PM EST
Subject: St. Louis concert a major disappointment
You guys are the worst polka band in the history of polka bands. When I heard that “The Dresden Dolls” was going to play the Pageant here in St. Louis, I naturally assumed you were a German polka band. I LOVE polka music and was expecting to get $20 worth of OOM-PAH-PAH. Instead, I get you banging on an electric piano like you’re playing WHACK-A-MOLE at the county fair while screeching like a banshee, and your partner, Brain (what kind of name is “Brain,” anyway?) trying, but not succeeding, to keep the beat, which might explain why NO ONE WAS DANCING TO YOUR MUSIC. But you didn’t even notice that, did you? (Maybe because you and Brain were too busy watching the tv’s behind the bar at the back of the room behind US, the audience.)
I said to a woman sitting next to me, “This polka band sucks.” She replied, “They’re no polka band.” I said, “You got THAT right!” (So you see, it’s not just MY opinion!)
At some point during the show, Brain realized that the drum thing wasn’t working out for him (God bless him for trying, though) and he picked up a guitar and started playing a solo piece after you left the stage. Let me tell you, there aren’t enough Mel Bay books to turn that guy into a guitar player, but, again, God bless him for trying. Unfortunately for him, he was interrupted by some woman in the balcony who decided she wanted to sing “Mein Herr” in her underwear. Now that gal could SING! (Unlike YOU.) I don’t know where you had disappeared to, but we didn’t miss you. (Maybe you got interested in a tv show and went back to the bar so you wouldn’t miss the ending.)
ANOTHER THING: a lot of your songs alluded to fornication. Polka tunes, with the exception of “The Fucking Beer Barrel Polka,” don’t do that.
If you guys ever come back to St. Louis, I’m going to have to buy another ticket just to see if you’ve improved any. (Couldn’t get any worse, could you?) I’ll tell you this, though, you better be playing the accordion and Brain better be a virtuoso on the tuba by then, or I WILL be asking for a refund.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
William Ader
St. Louis, Missouri
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
VideoRanch 3D Concert Season finale
The VR3D VIP All-Access Backstage Pass entitles you to:
- Admission to the VR3D Concert Season finale on December 18, 2010 in Austin, Texas
- Full VIP access to the VR3D soundstage, recording process and the hospitality trailer
- all-day catering for each of the VR3D shows
- a VIP gift bag
Artists performing live at the Austin Sound Stage include:
Michael Nesmith - offering a rare acoustic performance of his music.
Carolyn Wonderland - a musical force equipped with the soulful vocals of Janis Joplin and the guitar slinging skills of Stevie Ray, Carolyn Wonderland reaches into the depths of the Texas blues tradition with the wit of a poet. She hits the stage with unmatched presence, a true legend in her time.
The Good Listeners - performing music from their third album which was made during a road trip across the country that resulted in their award winning documentary Don't Quit Your Daydream.
Availability is limited.
Purchase HERE!
All ticket purchases must be made before to December 15, 2010.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Lyrics to "Honey Blade"
Here are two renditions of this masterpiece,
one electric...
and one "unplugged". Enjoy!
R.I.P. hide San.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Lyics To "X"
Friday, September 3, 2010
Shonen Knife is on their way!
Shonen Knife on Twitter
Good Charamel on Twitter
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
DoonTube & Shonen Knife
From now on, as long as it may last, I'll try to archive each week's setlist here in this blog. I'll also post an article with many of the past setlists. Each of the songs in these lists has a link to their respective YouTube address.
I also intend to start being more concientious about posting other music topics of interest to me! I've really let this blog languish since I started playing on Twitter, but now I hope to do a better job of staying on top of it!
That being said...
One of my absolute FAVORITE bands, SHONEN KNIFE will be touring the U.S. again this fall! Here are the dates published so far!
9/8 Wed - Seattle WA - Tractor Tavern
9/9 Thurs - Vancouver BC - Biltmore Cabaret
9/10 Fri - Portland, OR - Mississippi Studios
9/11 Sat - Oakland, CA - Uptown Night Club
9/12 Sun - San Francisco, CA - Bottom Of The Hill
9/13 Mon - San Diego, CA Casbah (yay!)
9/14 Tues - Los Angeles, CA - Spaceland
9/17 Fri - Austin, TX - Red 7
9/18 Sat - Dallas, TX - The Loft
9/19 Sun - Kansas City, MO - Record Bar
9/20 Mon - Northfield, MN - The Cave
9/21 Tues - Chicago, IL - Schubas
9/22 Wed - Kalamazoo, MI - The Strutt
9/23 Thurs - Cincinnati, OH - Midpoint Music Fest
9/24 Fri - Pittsburgh, PA - 31st St Pub
9/25 Sat - New York, NY - Asia Society Museum
9/26 Sun - Washington, D.C. - Rock and Roll Hotel
9/28 Tues - Brooklyn, NY - Knitting Factory
9/29 Wed - TBA
9/30 Thurs - Montreal, Canada - Cabaret du Mile End
10/1 Fri - Toronto, Canada - Horseshoe Tavern
10/2 Sat - Buffalo, NY - Mohawk Place
Don't Miss Them!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
My Favorite DoonTube Sets
I've enjoyed Shonen Knife for a long time. I'd even shared their videos during a previous episode (or two?) of DoonTube. But beyond that I was pretty ignorant of the music scene from Japan. What I discovered caused this set to take a week longer than I'd anticipated. I had found a MOTHERLODE of INCREDIBLE music. I watched YouTube after YouTube of fascinating, awe-inspiring Rock and pop. I fell in love with Shiina Ringo and the Tokyo Incidents. I became enthralled by the Visual Kei movement! (I developed a crush on Hizaki too, but please don't tell anyone.) I felt utterly inspired by the pop and avante garde creations of ExGirl. On and on I was lead to more and more genius. Reducing the set list to two hours was a nearly impossible challenge, and I mourned every video I cut from the list.
Here is what emerged.
The only other time Nez requested a set was for the Global Zone festival held last Spring. I'd already discussed with Foreman the idea of playing some videos of the artists who were to be performing at the festival, but it was requested I make a dedicated episode. I had a lot of fun with it and we had a wonderful Festival. One of the artists performing at the festival was Lal Meri, featuring the captivating Nancy (Rosey) Kaye on vocals. This performance galvanized an idea that had been tickling my mind, but couldn't find substance up to that point. The result was my second favorite list, the Sulty Cabaret set.
My third favorite set is just that because I really love this music. A combination of "Glam" and "Punk" (Which are kissin' cousins anyway!) Here is the "Glunk" set.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
DoonTube Archive
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What I did on my Summer Vacation
I just ordered James McMurtry's new record, Live In Europe. The new Thao Nguyen CD, Know Better Learn Faster, which I pre-ordered, is now on its way. I was the first on my block to own both Cow Bop records. Each of these artists would have passed me by if I didn't see them perform live at VideoRanch 3D. I'd have never known the power of Carolyn Wonderland or the intensity of Asobi Seksu. It's likely I'd have never enjoyed the virtuosity of Rebeca Mauleon or the masterful performance of Billy BobThornton and the Boxmasters. Even if I had I heard any of them on the radio there's a good chance they'd have escaped my notice.

For the past 15 years or so I've spent a fair amount of time in alternative universes. I've enjoyed cyber worlds and virtual communities. It's awfully fun to pretend you're in another world all together. Or vacationing on a multi-venue ranch-resort! While VR3D has an assortment of entertaining attractions, the most compelling one is the Live Concerts on the different stages. It's fun to pretend you're really in a large outdoor amphitheater, lounging in a cosmopolitan outdoor cafe, or hanging out behind a roadside diner. There are few things finer than the smell of a smoker while listening to a full rack of the blues!
Watching concerts live on TV is nice. You can relax and get a good view from the comfort of your favorite chair. Streaming concerts on the internet are fun too, for much of the same reason. But each lacks a critical component of attending a live concert: Community. One of the most enjoyable aspects to attending a concert is sharing the experience with other people. At VR3D, we share with our everyday pals, the Ranch Regulars, and on special concert days, we get to join with the artist's fans which enhances the experience further. The chat and banter is fun. We've developed techniques to offer the performers feedback as an audience. If you're going to enjoy a concert, you ought to be enjoying it with friends.
I've attended Video Ranch 3D concerts at home, at work, in motels and in person! I've had friends watch with me. I've encouraged anyone with similar interests in music and a PC to come visit. I explained to them about the variety of interesting performers to watch and hear, the stimulating environment you can explore, complete with pigs you can pet and cars you can drive, movies at the drive-in and dancing at the cafe, AND you can fly!. I've invited folks to come join our community, particularly when I knew an artist they like would be performing for us. I've let them know how tremendously fun it is! I'd recommend VR3D to EVERONE!
The End.
Monday, October 12, 2009

I've posted about Rockola before. They are a sure bet for a great time. And this time they made history. They're well known for faithfully capturing the sound of the BEATLES and this evening was ALL Beatles! The first set was a great mix of well known hits as well as a number of lesser known numbers. Well, that was the suggestion. They were all well known to me, and they were all hits as far as I could tell! As Bob said, they're ALL good!
The second set was historical. Rockola performed songs from every BEATLES album. That's something the BEATLES never did! This included peformances on piccolo trumpet, flute, tanpura and sitar. These folks are real students of their craft, and never fail to delight their audience, who love these songs as much as the performers do.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Thao UCSD's Loft lounge
When the doors opened I proceeded to lay out fliers to the upcoming MUSIC RISE event occurring at VideoRanch 3d on Memorial Day weekend. I chatted with a lot of folks and encouraged them to check it out, because Thao would be performing again that weekend and they'd get to see her again! I then strategically took a seat on a tall stool at a tall table near what I thought was close to the stage. After a few minutes I was joined by who I was to discover later to be the opening act, Samantha Crain and the Midnight Shivers. I chatted with them. Very cool young people. I thought they were students. Well, not Samantha. I knew who she was. Before long she was introduced to the crowd and the show was under way!
I had no idea what to expect. She's fantastic. I'll leave it to more clever and capable authors to describe her terrific voice and bright melodies. Instead, I'll post a sample:
After her set, I went and bought the CD. She also autographed it with a silver marker. We had a nice chat. Her band, Midnight Shivers is from SouthEast Missouri. I told her I went to high school there. I must say that in my conversation and subsequent emails with her, I found Samantha to be warm, friendly and most gracious. As an artist and a person, you'd be blessed to come to know her! To that end, please check out this video too!
I watched the next band set up and tune up. A woman and a man seemed to be sharing the chore. It looked like they had a lot of guitars, and a couple of basses. During the show, though, I only noticed a Les Paul, and upside-down left-handed Stratocaster and a red (Gibson?) bass guitar. Most of those guitars were played by Mr. Patrick Gregoire. Mr. Nico Dann was the master on percussion (including a very effective wood block). Ms. Merrill Garbus played the bass once, but usually she played ukulele. There was no "front man" as far as I could see. Each musician contributed equally to vocals and musicianship. It even seemed sometimes that the sounds each sang didn't become a complete word until all three added their part.
Did I say ukulele? Yes. I looked, wiped my glasses, peered intently and each time I kept arriving at the same conclusion. A ukulele! Now I don't know much about ukuleles, but this was NOT Aloha Oe. My ears were certain they were hearing something that might have been performed by Jimmy Page.
Sister Suvi are unconventional. What at first seems chaotic reveals itself to be very methodical and precise. When I saw Merrill perform with Thao it rather sealed my perception that here was a real creative power house. I've been listening to their CD and they've really been growing on me. Check out this video and head to their website or MySpace page. And give them a few more listens. See if each listening doesn't increase your fondness for them.
I've posted before about Thao. It's no secret I'm her biggest fan. But Tuesday night's show was the BEST I have ever seen! After The Get Down Stay Down Percussion Orchestra joined Sister Suvi for a number, Thao went back and changed from jeans to a very pretty blue dress. I've spoken of her writing. Of her melodies. Of her guitar playing and her singing. But she was so đẹp quá! So lovely. And then she started rockin'! The crowd had come to see her and everyone was on their feet (and my strategic position turned out to be not so strategic after all). After the first applause to the first song died down, Thao was doing some fine tuning to her guitar and a hush seem to fall over the lounge. She asked, "Are you guys studying?". lol. So they got their Geography lesson!
Between each song the crowd kept hollering for songs off Linen. She asked if we really just wanted to hear the songs she wrote when she was 16 or did we want to hear some new stuff. We did hear a few new songs, but she played a lot of the old favorites too.nevermytuesday
Thao was so funny about the encore. The band exited the stage but only stepped a few feet away. There was no "backstage" here. But she came on and said, "We heard you all the way backstage!" She wondered what would've happened if we hadn't been so enthusiastic in our insistence on an encore! Would they just march back on stage and make us listen to a few more songs?
The show ended with a tremendously wild grand finale! Thao invited Sister Suvi and Samanth Crain & the Midnight Shivers to join her in FEET ASLEEP
God I love Thao.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
America's Classic Rock Experience!

There was a LOT of great music in the sixties and seventies! I doubt if there's been a period before or since that has seen as much creativity and innovation. There were a lot of great songs and great performers. This isn't nostalgia. It's plain fact. People love the songs from that period because they were simply great.
We here in San Diego are blessed to have a band that can render these songs with such heartfelt passion and fidelity. The band Rockola is billed as "America's Classic Rock Experience!" I really love them and have seen them five times! (Six if you include their Steely Damned incarnation.) Most recently at Humphrey's Backstage.
They played 3 sets over 4 hours. They started out wearing fashion from the mid sixties and played a lot of popular songs from that period. The Beatles (of course, they're renowned for their spot on renditions of the Beatles), The Stones... Hang on Sloopy and Chain of fools.. Man it was great.

They took a break and somehow Bob's hair grew about 26 inches!
I can't describe everything that happened over the next few hours. I was too busy having fun! They played a bunch of favorites from the sixties and seventies. They played I Got A Line by Spirit! See how cool they are?
They did a request for Laura on her birthday, and toasted a bride who arrived to party with us in her wedding gown! A few toasts actually. They played the Who's My Kennel Ration. (Heh, Bob, you're such a card.) Steppenwolf. Led Zeppelin. The Hollies, Shocking Blue, James Gang and the Zombies. What a night!

I'd like to post a nice YouTube of them, but there aren't many nice ones out there to share but you can go to their Top 20 Videos page and see some very nice videos. Join their mailing list and schedule your San Diego vacation around their calendar! You owe it to yourself to see this band!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The World's Greatest Rock and Roll Band

I love Netflix. I hate their pop-up ads on websites, but they run a great service.
Last night I watched Sixties Rock "instantly". It was like watching the tv in the sixties. All the performances were clips from appearances on Hullabaloo, Shindig and Hollywood A Go Go. It was really fun.
But that's not what this post is about. The Netflix CD I watched this weekend was Shine A Light. As I watched I was reminded why this band is known as THE WORLD'S GREATEST ROCK AND ROLL BAND. Martin Scorsese successfully captured the Rolling Stones' energy and mastery. I've seen plenty of "Rockumentaries" and concert films, but, with arguably the world's greatest director and THE WORLD'S GREATEST ROCK AND ROLL BAND, you know you're going to be witnessing a masterpiece.
The Stones have experimented with the avante garde and psychedelia, they've penned some epic jewels and have had hits with good time pop, but they've never strayed far from their Blues roots, which distinguished them from the rest of their colleagues in the British Invasion . Throughout this movie, you're treated to straight up rock and roll served by the undisputed masters of the genre.
A particularly moving moment came after Buddy Guy joined the band to play the Muddy Waters' tune 'Champagne & Reefer'. The "always cool Richards was so taken by the magical moment", he gave Guy one of his favorite guitars. Keith said, "It's one of my favorites, too. That was straight off the top of my head: 'It's yours, baby.' With everything going on that night, with this movie, I thought, 'This is my respect to Buddy and to Muddy and all the other guys who turned me on.'"
Another memorable moment came when Ron Wood played the steel pedal guitar for 'Faraway Eyes'. And there I was sans beer. Jack White of White Stripes joined Jagger for another country tune, 'Loving Cup'. Christina Aguilera danced and sang with Mick during 'Live With Me'. That was one steaming hot number!
I knew when I saw the trailor I was going to love this movie! If you kids want to learn what rock and roll is, you watch this dvd!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Smolie Olie Olie!
Of course, it was just a whim, and we had no idea at phirst they were so very phantastic, but by the 3rd song I was ready to buy the CD. I waited until intermission, however. They were smartly dressed in phorties phashion. The singer, Tim, had a big red pheather in his phedora. Their dancing and movements and romps were most entertaining, and the music was phirst rate. The phinest without a question. They were the "cat's meow!" We like them so much a phew weeks later we drove a couple of hours to Whittier and saw them again, and their video Hep Cats has enjoyed a prominent place on my MySpace ever since!
I just received an email phrom Marco that he and Phil are indeed going to try to make a return visit to the phair! I hope to see them again this summer, iph not sooner!
Remember! Don't keep them a secret!
Project Playlist
I'm rather proud of my playlist. It's missing artists I'd like to add, like Ngoc Ha, but overall I'm pretty pleased with it. I invite you to turn it on some time and go about your business while it plays in the background. I think you'll enjoy it and probably get to hear some new stuff you are happy to learn about!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thao's coming to town!
Blog post About A Blog: TODAY'S PIG
I was exploring Emily Neveu's (of Calico Horse) website and found a link to this blog. It's really well done! There's a link to a really fun colorflip website where you can peel back colored film to reveal a new color. And I've learned about a TERRIFIC band called Pale Young Gentlemen. Lots of other cool stuff. GO VISIT!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Emily, meet Tim Burton. Tim, Emily Neveu
Do you know how you can watch a Tim Burton movie about some ghastly, eerie topic, and leave feeling like you just watched Mary Poppins? I get that same sort of emotion with Calico Horse and Clockwork Army.
I first saw Calico Horse at the Casbah the night I went to see Thao Nguyen. They were terrific. Their sound really spoke to me and I bought a CD on the spot. I asked Emily to sign it. She said, to my surprise, that I was the first person to ask her to do that! Can you imagine?!?! I believe that makes me Calico Horse's #1 fan!
Here is a very nice "unplugged" version of AWAKE IN THE CLOUDS. Be sure to head over to their MySpace page a give a listen to more of their stuff! I'm sure you'll be ready to buy Mirror after another song or two!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
And now... Thao!
Let me just start by saying that the previous two artists I became aware of because it's fun to go with my girlfriend to Vietnamese concerts and festivals and shopping and such. I learned about Thao Nguyen and the Get Down Stay Down, however, from Michael Nesmith's Video Ranch 3D(Look for an upcoming post about VR3D!) I was able to see her perform there live. I saw her in person a few weeks later at the Casbah in San Diego.
There's nary a soul who has been in a conversation of more than two minutes with me who hasn't heard of Thao. I just can't curb my enthusiasm. Thao has a unique and original sound. The music she draws from her guitars is amazing. And "as sharp as she sings", it is soothing! Her melodies are deceptively delightful, particularly considering some of the subjects she tackles. Most of all though, it's her clever turns of phrase which have me so fascinated.
"There's a hole in your head, spill your thoughts on the floor"...
"Shake the frame of this house, distress the wood, make it shout!" I mean, I'll bet that's the first time the word 'distress' has been used in Rock. Moreover it's the engineering application of the word, not the more common emotional connotation.
"You've got to push all the doubt to the side of your mouth"...
"I reached high, as I high as I was able. Such a small small kid at the big kids table"
"And it is not as though I do not know it hurts me. Its just I drink only that which makes me thirsty"
Wow. Pretty clever indeed!
Thao uses a toothbrush to strike the strings of her guitar on the song Moped. After I saw her perform in VR3D, and before I attended her show here in SD, I watched an interview at WNRN radio on youtube. She made a joke suggesting that audience members might bring toothbrushes to the show, thereby ensuring a steady supply.
I did bring a toothbrush. She didn't remember saying it.
Now what do you suppose a performer might think of a fan who gives her a gift of a toothbrush? Yeah.
WELL I HAVE PROOF SHE ASKED, even if she doesn't remember. Please follow above link.
I was browsing Thao's KRS catalog, and saw the
Thao T-shirt (with the bees on it).
I liked it, but well, it's kind of a girl's shirt. There's a lady here at work named Thao so I bought it and gave it to her. Anyway, there's never any stuff with Thao on it like little bicycle license plates or key chains as there are for common (anglo) names like Susan or Mike. So she was happy and it went towards supporting Thao and her work (I hope). I like KRS too.
The Get Down Stay Down, which is Adam and Willis, really add a richness to Thao's songs. I guess Willis will be singing on the next record, due out this fall!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Earworm - Girl From Ipanema
So my pal Crazy Mad Molly at VideoRanch 3D made a remark a few days ago about listening to The Girl From Ipanema. I couldn't place the song so I did a small amount of research and had my memory refreshed on that catchy jazz tune. It was popular during the 60s although I can't recall exactly where I first heard it, but only that is was incredibly familiar. Then last Thursday on the way to work, my local jazz station, the world famous KSDS 88.3 FM played it again, this week's featured artist being Stan Getz. I love that breathy sax as well as the coy, "honey-toned" vocals of Astrud Gilbert. I became infected. At least this earworm has some genuine musical value, unlike the aforementioned "It's A Small World" (just trying to get it good and stuck.)
Here's a video clip from "Get Yourself A College Girl".
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Pala By Night - Coup De Foudre

I was very lucky to attend the Pala By Night Lunar New Year Festival concert at Pala Casino in San Diego Co.
A small galaxy of stars filled the Grand Cabaret! The evening was illuminated by a duet brilliantly performed by Khánh Hà and her brother Tuấn Ngọc (each of whom had their own stellar solo numbers). Tâm Đoan sparkled sweetly, being permitted time to sing only two songs. She pointed out, to the audience's delight, she might have been able to share one more song for all the time the MC took with his ceaseless banter. The very popular Thanh Tuyền shone brightly before an adoring audience. But at the center of this galaxy was Ngoc Ha!
I awaited her arrival with tremendous anticipation, having enjoyed her CDs and videos so much. I looked forward to seeing her live with the highest expectations, but I was not prepared for just how enchanting she is in person! She looked so lovely in the traditional Central Vietnamese gown she wore. Her graceful dance and irresistible smile was captivating. Her beautiful voice mesmerized me and to this minute I remain under her spell!
There were other very entertaining performers that evening, and I enjoyed each one, but none shine as brightly in my memory as Ngoc Ha!
Hồ Trên Núi - Mountain lake

Pala Casino hosts Pala By Night, the Lunar New Year Festival Concert, Saturday, January 31, 2009 at 7:00 and 10:00pm. I've purchased my tickets today and I am stoked! I'm sure that my heart would break if I missed this opportunity to see Ngoc Ha!
Ngoc Ha has a beautiful, powerful and dynamic voice, as well as a captivating stage presence. Not only that, she is DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS! She is utterly HOT!
vui sướng, mừng rỡ, hân hoan; tưng bừng hớn hở
tuyệt đẹp, đẹp quá