There was a LOT of great music in the sixties and seventies! I doubt if there's been a period before or since that has seen as much creativity and innovation. There were a lot of great songs and great performers. This isn't nostalgia. It's plain fact. People love the songs from that period because they were simply great.
We here in San Diego are blessed to have a band that can render these songs with such heartfelt passion and fidelity. The band Rockola is billed as "America's Classic Rock Experience!" I really love them and have seen them five times! (Six if you include their Steely Damned incarnation.) Most recently at Humphrey's Backstage.
They played 3 sets over 4 hours. They started out wearing fashion from the mid sixties and played a lot of popular songs from that period. The Beatles (of course, they're renowned for their spot on renditions of the Beatles), The Stones... Hang on Sloopy and Chain of fools.. Man it was great.

They took a break and somehow Bob's hair grew about 26 inches!
I can't describe everything that happened over the next few hours. I was too busy having fun! They played a bunch of favorites from the sixties and seventies. They played I Got A Line by Spirit! See how cool they are?
They did a request for Laura on her birthday, and toasted a bride who arrived to party with us in her wedding gown! A few toasts actually. They played the Who's My Kennel Ration. (Heh, Bob, you're such a card.) Steppenwolf. Led Zeppelin. The Hollies, Shocking Blue, James Gang and the Zombies. What a night!

I'd like to post a nice YouTube of them, but there aren't many nice ones out there to share but you can go to their Top 20 Videos page and see some very nice videos. Join their mailing list and schedule your San Diego vacation around their calendar! You owe it to yourself to see this band!